Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Nodes

Default Real-Time File Protection task settings

3 August 2023

ID 181549

By default, the Real-Time File Protection task uses the settings described in the table below. You can change the values of these settings.

Default Real-Time File Protection task settings


Default value


Protection scope

The entire protected device, excluding virtual drives.

Use this option to change the protection scope.

Security settings

Common settings for the entire protection scope correspond to the Recommended security level.

For nodes selected in the protected device's file resource list or tree, you can:

  • Select a different predefined security level
  • Manually change security settings

You can save a group of security settings for a selected node as a template to use later for a different node.

Objects protection mode

Smart mode

Use this option to select the protection mode, i.e. define the type of access attempts for which Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Nodes scans objects.

Heuristic analyzer

The Medium security level is applied.

The Heuristic Analyzer can be enabled or disabled and the analysis level can be configured.

Apply Trusted Zone


General list of exclusions that can be used in selected tasks.

Use KSN for protection


Use this option to improve your device's protection using the Kaspersky Security Network cloud service (available if the KSN Statement is accepted).

Task start schedule

At application start.

Use this option to configure for scheduled task start.

Block access to network shared resources for the sessions that show malicious activity

Not applied.

Use this option to block current session and to add host IP or host LUID for which malicious activity was detected in the Blocked hosts storage section.

Launch critical areas scan when active infection is detected


When active infection is detected, Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Nodes creates and launches a temporary Critical Areas Scan task.

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