Creating a task using Kaspersky Security Center
3 August 2023
ID 146624
To create a new task in the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console:
- Start the task wizard in one of the following ways:
- To create a local task:
- Expand the Managed devices node in the Administration Console tree and select the group that the protected server belongs to.
- In the results pane of the Devices tab, open the context menu of the protected device and select Properties.
- In the window that opens, click the Add button in the Tasks section.
- To create a group task:
- Expand the Managed devices node in the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console tree.
- Select the administration group for which you want to create a task.
- In the results pane, open the Tasks tab and select Create a task.
- To create a task for a custom group of protected device:
- Expand the Managed devices node in the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console tree.
- Select the administration group containing the protected devices.
- Select a protected device or a custom set of protected devices.
- From the Perform action drop-down list, select the Create a task option.
The task wizard window opens.
- To create a local task:
- In the Select the task type window, under the heading Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Nodes 3.2, select the type of the task to be created.
- If you selected any task type except Rollback of Database Update, Application Integrity Control or Activation of the Application, the Settings window opens. Depending on the task type, the settings may vary:
- Create an On-Demand Scan task.
- To create an update task, configure task settings based on your requirements:
- Select an update source in the Update source window.
- Click the Connection settings button. In the Connection settings window, configure proxy server access settings when connecting to the update source.
- To create a Software Modules Update task, configure the required application module update settings in the Settings for application software module updates window:
- Select whether to copy and install critical software module updates, or only to check for their availability without installation.
- If Copy and install critical software modules updates is selected: a protected device restart may be required to apply the installed software modules. If you wish Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Nodes to restart the protected device automatically upon task completion, select the Allow operating system restart check box.
- To obtain information about Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Nodes module upgrades, select Receive information about available scheduled software modules updates.
Kaspersky does not publish planned update packages on the update servers for automatic installation; these can be downloaded manually from the Kaspersky website. An administrator notification about the New scheduled software modules update is available event can be configured. This will contain the URL of our website from which scheduled updates can be downloaded.
- To create the Copying Updates task, specify the set of updates and the destination folder in the Copying updates settings window.
- To create the Activation of the Application task:
- In the Activation Settings window, specify the key file that you want to use to activate the application.
- Select the Use as additional key check box if you want to create a task for renewing the license.
- Create the Rule Generator for Applications Launch Control task.
- Create the Rule Generator for Device Control task.
- Configure the task schedule.
You can configure a schedule for all task types except the Rollback of Database Update task.
- Click the OK button.
- If the task is being created for a set of protected devices, select the network (or group) of protected devices on which this task will be executed.
- In the Selecting an account to run the task window, specify the account you want to use to run the task.
- In the Define the task name window, enter the task name (no longer than 100 characters) not containing the symbols " * < > ? \ | : .
We recommend that you add the task type to the task name (for example, "On-demand scan of shared folders").
- In the Finishing creating the task window:
- Select the Run task after Wizard finishes check box if you want the task to start as soon as it is created.
- Click the Finish button.
The task created is displayed in the Tasks list.