About the task scan scope and security settings
3 August 2023
ID 184318
In the Application Console, the scan scope of the selected On-Demand Scan task is displayed as a tree or in the list of the protected device file resources that Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Nodes can control. By default, the network file resources of the protected device are displayed in a list-view mode.
In the Administration Plug-in only the list view is available.
To display network file resources in the tree-view mode in the Application Console,
open the drop down list in the Scan scope settings window upper left sector and select Tree-view.
The items or nodes are displayed in a list-view or in a tree-view mode of the protected device file resources as follows:
The node is included in the scan scope.
The node is excluded from the scan scope.
At least one of the child nodes of this node is excluded from the scan scope, or the security settings of the child node(s) differ(s) from the setting of a parental node (for a tree-view mode only).
The icon is displayed if all child nodes are selected, but the parent node is not selected. In this case, changes in the composition of files and folders of the parent node are disregarded automatically when the scan scope for the selected child node is being created.
Using the Application Console, you can also add virtual drives to the scan scope. The names of the virtual nodes are displayed in blue font.
Security settings
In the selected On-Demand Scan task, the default security settings can be modified by configuring them as common settings for the entire protection or scan scope, or as different settings for different nodes or items in the device's file resource tree or list.
Security settings configured for the selected parent node are automatically applied to all child nodes. The security settings of the parent node are not applied to child nodes that are configured separately.
The settings for a selected scan scope or protection scope can be configured using one of the following methods:
- Select one of three predefined security levels (Maximum performance, Recommended, or Maximum protection).
- Manually change the security settings for the selected nodes or items in the tree or list of the protected device's file resources (the security level changes to Custom).
A set of node settings can be saved in a template in order to be applied later to other nodes.