Configuring the schedule of synchronization with the Active Directory domain controller
3 July 2024
ID 239029
To configure the schedule of synchronization with the Active Directory domain controller:
- In the application web interface window, select the Settings → External services → LDAP server connections section.
- Select the Synchronization settings tab.
- In the Schedule drop-down list, select one of the options and do the following to configure the synchronization:
- Manually.
- Once. A field appears; in that field, enter the date and time when you want synchronization to start.
- Daily. A field appears; in that field, enter the time when you want to start the daily synchronization.
- Weekly. Fields appear; in those fields, enter the day of the week and time when you want synchronization to start.
For example, if the values are set to Mon and 15:00, the synchronization runs every Monday at 3 p.m.
- Monthly. Fields appear; in those fields, enter the day of the month and time when you want synchronization to start.
For example, if the values are set to 20 and 15:00, the synchronization runs on the 20th day of the month at 15:00.
If the specified value exceeds the number of days in a given month, the synchronization in that month will take place on the last day. For example, if the value is 31, in 30-day months, the synchronization will take place on the 30th of the month.
- Run every. Fields appear; in those fields, specify the frequency for starting the synchronization (in minutes, hours, or days).
For example, if the frequency value is 30 and Minutes frequency is selected, the synchronization is run every half hour.
The first synchronization starts immediately after the changes are saved.
By default, synchronization runs every 30 minutes.
- Click Save.
The schedule of data synchronization with the domain controller is configured.
The current status of synchronization with Active Directory is displayed in the Nodes section when you view cluster node information.