Creating the Find vulnerabilities and required updates task
Through the Find vulnerabilities and required updates task, Kaspersky Security Center receives the lists of detected vulnerabilities and required updates for the third-party software installed on the managed devices.
The Find vulnerabilities and required updates task is created automatically when the quick start wizard is running. If you did not run the wizard, you can create the task manually.
To create the Find vulnerabilities and required updates task:
- In the main menu, go to Devices → Tasks.
- Click Add.
The New task wizard starts. Follow the steps of the wizard.
- For the Kaspersky Security Center application, select the Find vulnerabilities and required updates task type.
- Specify the name for the task that you are creating. A task name cannot be more than 100 characters long and cannot include any special characters ("*<>?\:|).
- Select devices to which the task will be assigned.
- If you want to modify the default task settings, enable the Open task details when creation is complete option on the Finish task creation page. If you do not enable this option, the task is created with the default settings. You can modify the default settings later, at any time.
- Click the Create button.
The task is created and displayed in the list of tasks.
- Click the name of the created task to open the task properties window.
- In the task properties window, specify the general task settings.
- On the Application settings tab, specify the following settings:
- Search for vulnerabilities and updates listed by Microsoft
- Connect to the update server to update data
- Search for third-party vulnerabilities and updates listed by Kaspersky
- Specify paths for advanced search of applications across the file system
- Enable advanced diagnostics
- Maximum size, in MB, of advanced diagnostics files
- Click the Save button.
The task is created and configured.
If the task results contain a warning of the 0x80240033 "Windows Update Agent error 80240033 ("License terms could not be downloaded.")" error, you can resolve this issue through the Windows Registry.