This section contains the settings that you can view and configure for most of your tasks. The list of settings available depends on the task you are configuring.
Settings specified during task creation
You can specify the following settings when creating a task. Some of these settings can also be modified in the properties of the created task.
The task is assigned to devices included in an administration group. You can specify one of the existing groups or create a new one.
For example, you may want to use this option to run a task of sending a message to users if the message is specific for devices included in a specific administration group.
If a task is assigned to an administration group, the Security tab is not displayed in the task properties window because group tasks are subject to the security settings of the groups to which they apply.
The task is assigned to specific devices. You can specify devices by one of the following methods:
Specify the IP address, NetBIOS name, or DNS name of the device.
Specify the IP range.
You may want to use this option to execute a task for a specific subnet. For example, you may want to install a certain application on devices of accountants or to scan devices in a subnet that is probably infected.
Select devices detected by the Administration Server, including unassigned devices.
For example, you may want to use this option in a task of installing Network Agent on unassigned devices.
Fill in the Account and Password fields to specify the details of an account under which the task is run. The account must have sufficient rights for this task.
Client devices are not restarted automatically after the operation. To complete the operation, you must restart a device (for example, manually or through a device management task). Information about the required restart is saved in the task results and in the device status. This option is suitable for tasks on servers and other devices where continuous operation is critical.
Client devices are always restarted automatically if a restart is required for completion of the operation. This option is useful for tasks on devices that provide for regular pauses in their operation (shutdown or restart).
The restart reminder is displayed on the screen of the client device, prompting the user to restart it manually. Some advanced settings can be defined for this option: text of the message for the user, the message display frequency, and the time interval after which a restart will be forced (without the user's confirmation). This option is most suitable for workstations where users must be able to select the most convenient time for a restart.
Running applications may prevent a restart of the client device. For example, if a document is being edited in a word processing application and is not saved, the application does not allow the device to restart.
If this option is enabled, such applications on a locked device are forced to close before the device restart. As a result, users may lose their unsaved changes.
If this option is disabled, a locked device is not restarted. The task status on this device states that a device restart is required. Users have to manually close all applications running on locked devices and restart these devices.
By default, this option is disabled.
Settings specified after task creation
You can specify the following settings only after a task is created.
When this option is enabled, the task that is effective on the primary Administration Server is also applied on the secondary Administration Servers (including virtual ones). If a task of the same type already exists on the secondary Administration Server, both tasks are applied on the secondary Administration Server—the existing one and the one that is inherited from the primary Administration Server.
This option is only available when the Distribute to subgroups option is enabled.
The task runs regularly, with the specified interval in days. Additionally, you can specify a date and time of the first task run. These additional options become available, if they are supported by the application for which you create the task.
By default, the task runs every day, starting from the current system date and time.
The task runs regularly, with the specified interval in days. This schedule does not support observance of daylight saving time (DST). It means that when clocks jump one hour forward or backward at the beginning or ending of DST, the actual task start time does not change.
We do not recommend that you use this schedule. It is needed for backward compatibility of Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console.
By default, the task starts every day at the current system time.
When new updates are downloaded to the distribution point repositories, Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console runs all tasks that have this schedule. Network Agent checks the availability of updates during periodic synchronization between the managed device and the Administration Server (the heartbeat).
For example, you may want to use this schedule for the Update task related to a security application, such as Kaspersky Endpoint Security.
If Network Agent on a managed device detects no new updates for 25 hours or longer, then Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console runs on this device all tasks that have this schedule. These tasks are run every hour until new updates are detected. Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console also runs these tasks every hour if there is no connection between the managed device and the distribution point that downloads updates to the repository.
The task runs after a Virus outbreak event occurs. Select application types that will monitor virus outbreaks. The following application types are available:
Anti-virus for workstations and file servers
Anti-virus for perimeter defense
Anti-virus for mail systems
By default, all application types are selected.
You may want to run different tasks depending on the security application type that reports a virus outbreak. In this case, remove the selection of the application types that you do not need.
The current task starts after another task completes. This parameter only works if both tasks are assigned to the same devices. For example, you may want to run the Manage devices task with the Turn on the device option and, after it completes, run the Virus scan task as a triggering task.
You have to select the triggering task from the table and the status with which this task must complete (Completed successfully or Failed).
If necessary, you can search, sort, and filter the tasks in the table as follows:
Enter the task name in the search field, to search the task by its name.
Click the sort icon to sort the tasks by name.
By default, the tasks are sorted in alphabetical ascending order.
Click the filter icon, and in the window that opens, filter the tasks by group, and then click the Apply button.
This option determines the behavior of a task if a client device is not visible on the network when the task is about to start.
If this option is enabled, the system attempts to start the task the next time the Kaspersky application is run on the client device. If the task schedule is Manually, Once or Immediately, the task is started immediately after the device becomes visible on the network or immediately after the device is included in the task scope.
If this option is disabled, only scheduled tasks run on client devices. For Manually, Once and Immediately schedule, tasks run only on those client devices that are visible on the network. For example, you may want to disable this option for a resource-consuming task that you want to run only outside of business hours.
If this option is enabled, the task is started on client devices randomly within a specified time interval, that is, distributed task start. A distributed task start helps to avoid a large number of simultaneous requests by client devices to the Administration Server when a scheduled task is running.
The distributed start time is calculated automatically when a task is created, depending on the number of client devices to which the task is assigned. Later, the task is always started on the calculated start time. However, when task settings are edited or the task is started manually, the calculated value of the task start time changes.
If this option is disabled, the task starts on client devices according to the schedule.
If this option is enabled, the task is started on client devices randomly within the specified time interval. A distributed task start helps to avoid a large number of simultaneous requests by client devices to the Administration Server when a scheduled task is running.
If this option is disabled, the task starts on client devices according to the schedule.
By default, this option is disabled. The default time interval is one minute.
The operating system on the device starts at the specified time before the task is started. The default time period is five minutes.
Enable this option if you want the task to run on all of the client devices from the task scope, including those devices that are turned off when the task is about to start.
If you want the device to be automatically turned off after the task is complete, enable the Shut down the devices after completing the task option. This option can be found in the same window.
For example, you may want to enable this option for an install update task that installs updates to client devices each Friday after business hours, and then turns off these devices for the weekend.
Application events related to execution of the task on all client devices from the task scope are stored on the Administration Server during the specified number of days. When this period elapses, the information is deleted from the Administration Server.
You can specify groups of devices to which the task is not applied. Groups to be excluded can only be subgroups of the administration group to which the task is applied.