Kaspersky CyberTrace

Balancer deployment

22 August 2024

ID 214595

The files required to run Balancer are included in the distribution kit. You can deploy Balancer either on a computer where an instance of Kaspersky CyberTrace is installed or on a computer without Kaspersky CyberTrace.

Deployment on a computer with Kaspersky CyberTrace

To deploy Balancer on a computer with Kaspersky CyberTrace installed:

  1. Configure Balancer.
  2. Configure Kaspersky CyberTrace instances.
  3. Start Balancer.

Deployment on a computer without Kaspersky CyberTrace

To deploy Balancer on a computer without Kaspersky CyberTrace installed:

  1. Copy the files listed in the table below from the Kaspersky CyberTrace installation directory to another computer.

    Files required to deploy Balancer on a computer without Kaspersky CyberTrace

    Name and location (Windows)

    Name and location (Linux)




    Balancer binary file.



    Balancer configuration file.

    The configuration file must be located in the same directory as the Balancer binary file.



    Balancer logging configuration file.

    The configuration file must be located in the same directory as the Balancer binary file.



    PEM-formatted certificate for HTTPS connections.



    PEM-formatted private key for HTTPS connections.



    License key file.

  2. In kl_balancer.conf, specify the paths to the following files:
    • kl_feed_service_cert.pem
    • kl_feed_service_private.pem
    • License key file

      Balancer and all instances of Kaspersky CyberTrace must use the same license key file. If no license key is provided, Balancer will run on the Community Edition licensing level and process no more than 250 events per second.

  3. Configure Balancer.
  4. Configure Kaspersky CyberTrace instances.
  5. Start Balancer.

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