Kaspersky CyberTrace

Upgrading automatically on Windows

22 August 2024

ID 184792

This section describes how to upgrade Kaspersky CyberTrace on Windows to version 4.3.

You can upgrade Kaspersky CyberTrace to version 4.3 only from version 4.2.

The instruction below applies to installations done by using the executable installer.

To upgrade Kaspersky CyberTrace automatically to a newer version:

  1. Run the executable installer that starts the upgrading process automatically.
  2. At the beginning of the upgrade process, accept the request to stop Kaspersky CyberTrace Service. If you decline to stop it, the upgrade fails.

    If Kaspersky CyberTrace Service is stopped and the upgrade continues, all the settings, user accounts data, available feeds, and certificates will be automatically transferred to the new version.

    After the upgrade process is finished, the actionable fields are not specified for new feeds that were not supported in the previous version. If needed, specify these fields manually on the Settings > Feeds tab.

    When upgrading from previous versions, make sure that /opt/kaspersky/ktfs/etc/kl_feed_service.conf contains only a single copy of the FalsePositive and InternalTI suppliers, with the corresponding standard names (Black_List.json and White_List.json). If not, the installer displays an error and exits.

  3. Change the settings during the upgrade process, if necessary.

    After you finish the upgrade process, Kaspersky CyberTrace Service will be launched automatically.

If upgrade to a newer version fails, Kaspersky CyberTrace rolls back to the version that was operable at the time of upgrade start.

Note that automatic upgrade with the executable installer is available only if you have accepted the EULA in the installation that is being upgraded.

Actions in case of error during upgrade

The configuration files and some other files are moved to the $TEMP\cybertrace_old temporary directory during the upgrade after Kaspersky CyberTrace Service stops. If errors occur during the upgrade, the moved files remain in the temporary directory.

To determine the location of the $TEMP directory, the Kaspersky CyberTrace executable installer takes the first existing variable from the following list: %TMP%, %TEMP%, %USERPROFILE%, %WINDIR%. The executable installer tries to write to this directory. If an attempt to write fails, the executable installer writes to %WINDIR%\Temp.

The upgrade log file is located in the temporary directory of the user who runs the installer or in the directory specified in the $TEMP environment variable (see above).

If you encountered an error during an automatic upgrade, contact your Technical Account Manager (TAM) for more information on solutions to the problem.

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