Kaspersky CyberTrace

Managing the installation on Linux systems

22 August 2024

ID 171624

You can use the installation script to manage the RPM or DEB installation of Kaspersky CyberTrace.

The installation script can do the following:

  • Install Kaspersky CyberTrace
  • Upgrade Kaspersky CyberTrace
  • Uninstall Kaspersky CyberTrace
  • Change the Kaspersky CyberTrace configuration

Installation script command-line parameters

The installation script has the following command-line syntax:

run.sh [command]

Following commands are available:

  • help

    Displays the help message and exits.

  • install

    Installs Kaspersky CyberTrace.

    The installation script installs the software package and runs the configurator binary file. The configurator binary file performs an interactive setup of Kaspersky CyberTrace Service, Feed Utility, and Log Scanner.

  • upgrade

    Upgrades Kaspersky CyberTrace from a previous version.

    The installation script upgrades the software package, copies settings from the previous version of Kaspersky CyberTrace Service, Feed Utility, and Log Scanner, and runs the configurator binary file.

  • remove

    Removes (uninstalls) Kaspersky CyberTrace.

    The installation script uninstalls the software package, removes the /opt/kaspersky/ktfs directory, removes Kaspersky CyberTrace Service from a list of system services, and removes crontab entries for Kaspersky CyberTrace Service.

  • change

    Changes the Kaspersky CyberTrace configuration.

    The installation script runs the configurator binary.

    You can use this command to generate SSL certificates for Kaspersky CyberTrace Web.


The following command installs Kaspersky CyberTrace.

./run.sh install

The following command upgrades Kaspersky CyberTrace.

./run.sh upgrade

The following command uninstalls Kaspersky CyberTrace.

./run.sh remove

The following command changes the Kaspersky CyberTrace configuration.

./run.sh change

Actions in case of error during installation

The configuration files and some other files are moved to the /opt/kaspersky_cybertrace_tmp temporary directory during the installation after Kaspersky CyberTrace Service stops. If errors occur during the installation, the moved files remain in the temporary directory.

The upgrade log file is located in the /temp directory or in the directory specified in the $TEMP environment variable, if $TEMP is defined.

If you encountered an error during an automatic installation, contact your Technical Account Manager (TAM) for more information on solutions to the problem.

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