Kaspersky Container Security

Detailed information about detected vulnerabilities

3 July 2024

ID 260972

You can view detailed information about a vulnerability detected in an image. To do this, in the window with the image scan results, select the Vulnerabilities tab and click the link with the vulnerability entry identifier. The identifier is given in CVE-YYYY-X... format, where:

  • CVE is a prefix that indicates that the vulnerability is included in the database of known vulnerabilities and security defects.
  • YYYY is the year when the vulnerability was reported.
  • X... is the number assigned to the vulnerability by authorized bodies.

A separate window displays the following information about the detected vulnerability:

  • Vulnerability entry identifier
  • Vulnerability severity level
  • Description of the vulnerability and a link to additional information
  • Installed resource
  • Vulnerability severity score based on the CVSS open standard in the NVD, VDB, and RED OS vulnerability databases, as well as the final consolidated vulnerability severity score.
  • You can accept the risk of the vulnerability by clicking the Accept button.
  • Information about the scan:
    • Image in which the vulnerability was detected
    • Operating system that was scanned
    • Date when the vulnerability was first detected
    • Date when the image was last scanned
    • Performed workloads

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