Kaspersky Container Security

Agent deployment

3 July 2024

ID 250381

You should install Agents on all nodes of the cluster that you want to protect.

To deploy Agents in a cluster:

  1. In the Management Console, add a group of Agents:
    1. In the main menu, go to the ComponentsAgents section.
    2. In the work pane, click the Add Agent group button.
    3. Fill in the fields in the form.
      • Enter the group name and description. We recommend that you specify the name of the cluster, on the nodes of which Agents are deployed, as the group name for convenient Agent management.
      • Select the type of Agent.
      • Select the type of target node operating system.
      • Select the orchestrator to use.
      • If required, enter the deployment token, which is the identifier that the Agent uses to connect to the Server. You can enter the token or leave the field blank for the token to generate automatically.
    4. Click the Add button.

      The right part of the work pane displays the data required to continue Agents deployment in the cluster.

  2. Use the instruction from the Configuration field (in the .YAML format) to deploy Agents in the cluster. For example:

    kubectl apply -f <file> -n <namespace>

    Following the application of the guidelines from the instruction on the cluster, the Agent is deployed on all worker nodes of the cluster.

The table in the Agents subsection displays the created group and deployed Agents. Agents server connection status is available for viewing.

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