Kaspersky Container Security

Preparing to install the solution

3 July 2024

ID 250876

Prior to installing Kaspersky Container Security, you must install all certificates required for the corporate network and configure the proxy servers.

The solution can be deployed in a private or public corporate network.

Before installing Kaspersky Container Security, make sure that you have the following components and accesses:

  • Virtual or physical machine with access to the Internet and the cluster.
  • Helm package manager for packaging, configuring, and deploying applications and services in clusters.
  • Internet access to download Helm Chart packages.
  • Orchestrator management tool. For example, kubectl for Kubernetes or oc for Openshift.
  • Access to a cluster using the kubeconfig file.

    To install the solution in a private corporate network, configure a repository for container images. This repository accesses the Kaspersky Container Security vendor repository with the credentials provided by the solution vendor.

To prepare to install the solution in a private corporate network:

  1. Connect the vendor's Helm repository containing the Helm Chart package.

    export CHART_URL="xxxxxx"
    export CHART_USERNAME="xxxxxx"
    export CHART_PASSWORD="xxxxxx"
    export VERSION="xxxxxx"

    The CHART_URL, CHART_USERNAME, CHART_PASSWORD, and VERSION values are provided by the vendor.

    Example connection of a repository with Helm Chart

  2. Fill in the file with the installation settings (values.yaml) included in the solution distribution kit according to the comments in the file.
  3. Save the file with the installation settings and proceed to install the solution.

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