Kaspersky Container Security

Widgets on the dashboard

3 July 2024

ID 255371

Kaspersky Container Security provides analytical data on the dashboard by using widgets that are organized into groups based on data type. The following widget groups and widgets are available in Kaspersky Container Security:

  • Image compliance with security policy requirements. The solution displays the following information:
    • Total number of images.
    • Number of images with Compliant status.
    • Number of images with Non-compliant status.
  • Image risk assessment. The widget provides the following information on the statuses of objects:
    • Total number of images.
    • Number of images with the Critical status.
    • Number of images with the High status.
    • Number of images with the Medium status.
    • Number of images with the Low status.
    • Number of images with the Negligible status.
    • Number of images with the Ok status.
  • Top 10 object benchmarks that most frequently result in failure of cluster nodes to comply with the Kubernetes benchmarks:
    • 10 cluster node benchmarks that most frequently result in non-compliance.
    • Number of cluster nodes that failed the compliance check due to the specified benchmark.
  • Top 10 registries based on the number of images with maximum risk status.
  • Vulnerabilities
    • Top 10 detected vulnerabilities with Critical, High or Medium severity status, and the number of images containing the specified vulnerability.
    • Top 10 images containing the maximum number of identified vulnerabilities with Critical and High severity status.
  • Malware
    • Top 10 most frequently detected types of malware and number of images containing this malware.
    • Top 10 images with the maximum number of detected types of malware.
  • Sensitive data
    • Top 10 detected types of sensitive data with Critical, High or Medium severity status and the number of images containing this sensitive data.
    • Top 10 images containing the maximum amount of detected sensitive data with Critical and High severity status.
  • Misconfigurations
    • Top 10 detected misconfigurations with Critical, High or Medium severity status, and the number of images containing such sensitive data.
    • Top 10 images with the maximum number of detected misconfigurations with Critical and High severity status.

    Object lists that specify the severity level are sorted in descending order of severity (first items on the list are objects with the highest severity status).

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