Kaspersky Container Security

Security policies configuration

3 July 2024

ID 250396

Kaspersky Container Security components use the following security policies:

  • Scanner policy determines the settings for scanning different types of resources. The scanner policy uses sensitive data detection rules.
  • Assurance policies define Kaspersky Container Security actions to provide security if threats detected during image scanning meet the criteria specified in the policy.
  • Response policies define the actions of the solution in case events specified in the policy occur. For example, Kaspersky Container Security can notify the user or delete an image with detected threats.
  • Runtime policies allow you to control and, where appropriate, restrict the deployment and operation of containers on the cluster in line with your corporate security requirements.

Kaspersky Container Security applies only enabled policies during its operation. Disabled policies cannot be used during checks.

In this Help section

Scanner policy

Assurance policies

Response policies

Runtime control policies

Deleting policies

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