Kaspersky Container Security

About object scans

3 July 2024

ID 254553

Kaspersky Container Security checks objects deployed in the solution during the scanning process.

The scanning process searches for and analyzes threats and security risks associated with objects in the solution. Object scans must be performed regularly to keep track of emerging security threats.

When scanning, Kaspersky Container Security identifies the following security threats:

  • Vulnerabilities
  • Malware
  • Misconfigurations
  • Sensitive data
  • Non-compliance with security policy requirements

Scanning process

The scanner receives scan jobs through the image handler. The image handler is an application deployed in the Kaspersky Container Security infrastructure that forwards scan jobs to the scanner and receives the scan results from the scanner.

When scan jobs are forwarded, the current status of the scanner is determined as one of the following:

  • Free — the scanner is not processing objects and can accept a job from the image handler application if requested.
  • Busy — the scanner is currently processing a scan job. A new job from the image handler application is put in the queue.

The scan job queue includes all forwarded scan jobs and is generated in the following cases:

Jobs in the scan queue receive the following statuses:

  • Pending — status assigned by default when a job is created.
  • In progress — the job is being processed by the image handler.
  • Parsing results — the solution processes the job scanning results to display them in the interface.
  • Error— scan job failed.
  • Finished — the results of the scan job are available.

Scan tasks from the queue are submitted to the image handler in the order of their receipt. A job then goes to a scanner with Free status and is scanned for security issues. The scan results are sent back to the image handler. The job is considered completed and finished if scanning results are received. If a scan job was performed three or more times but received no results, the job is given the Error status.

Actions after scanning

After scanning, the solution displays the scan results. If security threats are detected in an object, Kaspersky Container Security prompts you to perform one of the following actions:

  • Delete the security threat.
  • Accept the security risk

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