Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11 for Linux

Request to scan Docker images with additional settings

3 July 2024

ID 213880



Request body

JSON of the following type:


"source": "https://index.docker.io/jerbi/eicar:latest",

"params": {

"destination": "https://fake",

"skipimageifexists": true,

"custom_callbacks": {

"on_detect": {

"uri": "",

"content-type": "application/json",

"body": {

"session_id": "100",

"session_init": "20201105T072403+0300",

"infected_items": "$infected"



"on_complete": {

"body": {

"session_id": "100",


"uri": "",





Additional request settings

The params section can contain the following settings:

  • destination (optional) – the server to which the scanned image will be copied.
  • skipimageifexists (optional) – do not scan or copy the image if the destination server already has an image with the same name and SHA-256 hash. This setting can only be specified if the destination setting is specified.
  • custom_callbacks (optional) – describes the requests that should be sent when scan finishes:
    • on_detect – the request is sent if a threat is detected.
    • on_complete – the request is always sent when scan finishes.

In the description of the request body, you can specify the $infected substitution variable. The list of infected objects is substituted instead of this variable.

Response example:


"completed": "Mon, 01 Mar 2021 07:13:49 GMT",

"created": "Mon, 01 Mar 2021 07:13:42 GMT",

"progress": 100,

"scan_errors": [


"code": 500,

"message": "Unable to get images hash from destination registry"



"scan_params": {

"destination": "https://fake",

"skipimageifexists": true


"scan_result": {

"jerbi/eicar:latest": {

"started": "2021-03-01 07:13:48",

"stopped": "2021-03-01 07:13:49",

"threats": [


"name": "EICAR-Test-File",

"object": "[image:docker.io/jerbi/eicar:latest] /eicar.com.txt"



"verdict": "infected"



"status": "completed",

"verdicts": [




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