Kaspersky Endpoint Agent

Data received as a result of IOC Scan task execution

13 September 2022

ID 200268

Kaspersky Endpoint Agent automatically submits data on the IOC Scan task execution results to Kaspersky Security Center to create a threat development chain.

The data is stored in Kaspersky Security Center database. By default, this data is stored for 7 days.

The data in the IOC Scan task execution results may contain the following information:

  • IP address from the ARP table.
  • Physical address from the ARP table.
  • DNS record type and name.
  • IP address of the protected device.
  • Physical address (MAC-address) of the protected device.
  • Identifier in the event log entry.
  • Data source name in the log.
  • Log name.
  • User.
  • Event time.
  • MD5 hash of the file.
  • SHA256 hash of the file.
  • Full name of the file (including path).
  • File size.
  • Remote IP address to which connection was established during scan.
  • Remote port to which connection was established during scan.
  • Local adapter IP address.
  • Port open on the local adapter.
  • Protocol as a number (in accordance with the IANA standard).
  • Process name.
  • Process arguments.
  • Path to the process file.
  • Windows identifier (PID) of the process.
  • Windows identifier (PID) of the parent process.
  • User account that started the process.
  • Date and time when the process was started.
  • Service name.
  • Service description.
  • Path and name of the DLL service (for svchost).
  • Path and name of the service executable file.
  • Windows identifier (PID) of the service.
  • Service type (for example, a kernel driver or adapter).
  • Service status.
  • Service launch mode.
  • User account name.
  • Volume name.
  • Volume letter.
  • Volume type.
  • Windows registry value.
  • Registry hive value.
  • Registry key path (without hive and value name).
  • Registry setting.
  • System (environment).
  • Operating system name and version.
  • Network name of the protected device.
  • Domain or group the protected device belongs to.
  • Browser name.
  • Browser version.
  • Time when the web resource was last accessed.
  • URL from the HTTP request.
  • Name of the account used for the HTTP request.
  • File name of the process that made the HTTP request.
  • Full path to the file of the process that made the HTTP request.
  • Windows identifier (PID) of the process that made the HTTP request.
  • HTTP referer (HTTP request source URL).
  • URI of the resource requested over HTTP.
  • Information about the HTTP user agent (the application that made the HTTP request).
  • HTTP request execution time.
  • Unique identifier of the process that made the HTTP request.

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