Kaspersky Endpoint Agent

Providing extended Kaspersky Endpoint Agent diagnostic information to the Technical Support specialists

13 September 2022

ID 200038

To provide support in case of Kaspersky Endpoint Agent malfunction, the Technical Support specialists may ask you to perform the following actions for debugging purposes:

  • Activate the functionality for receiving advanced diagnostic information.
  • Additionally configure individual application components that cannot be changed by standard user interface tools.
  • Change the settings for storing and sending the received diagnostic information.
  • Set up interception and saving of network traffic to a file.

All information required to perform the listed actions (description of the sequence of steps, changeable settings, configuration files, scripts, additional command line features, debugging modules, specialized utilities, etc.), as well as the composition of data analyzed for debugging purposes, will be announced by the Technical Support specialists. The advanced diagnostic information is stored on the user computer. Automatic transfer of the stored data to Kaspersky is not performed.

The actions listed above can only be performed under the guidance of the Technical Support specialists following the instructions received from them. Unassisted modification of the application settings in the ways not described in the application documentation or in the recommendations from the Technical Support specialists can lead to slowdowns and malfunctions of the operating system, decrease of the computer protection level, as well as to a violation of the availability and integrity of the processed information.

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