Kaspersky Unified Monitoring and Analysis Platform

Editing user

18 June 2024

ID 217858

To edit a user:

  1. In the KUMA web interface, open SettingsUsers.

    In the right part of the Settings section the Users table will be displayed.

  2. Select the relevant user and change the necessary settings in the user details area that opens on the right.
    • Name (required)—edit the user name. The length of the string must be 1 to 128 Unicode characters.
    • Login(required) – enter a unique user name for the user account. Must contain from 3 to 64 characters (only a–z, A–Z, 0–9, . \ - _).
    • Email (required)—enter the unique email address of the user. Must be a valid email address.
    • Disabled—select this check box if you want to disable a user account. By default, this check box is cleared.
    • In the Tenants for roles settings block, use the Add field buttons to specify which roles the user will perform on which tenants. A user can be assigned different roles in different tenants; multiple roles can be assigned within the same tenant. For a domain user, the ability to change the main role (General administrator, Tenant administrator, Tier 2 analyst, Tier 1 analyst, Junior analyst) is blocked in the user card, while additional roles can be added or removed (Access to CII, Interaction with NCIRCC, Access to shared resources), including management of additional role assignment to tenants.
  3. Select or clear the check boxes that control access rights and user capabilities:
    • Receive email notifications—select this check box if you want the user to receive SMTP notifications from KUMA.
    • Display non-printable characters—select this check box if you want the KUMA web interface to display non-printing characters such as spaces, tab characters, and line breaks. If the Display non-printable characters check box is selected, you can press Ctrl/Command+* to enable and disable the display of non-printing characters.

      Spaces and tab characters are displayed in all input fields (except Description), in normalizers, correlation rules, filters and connectors, and in SQL queries for searching events in the Events section. Spaces are displayed as dots. A tab character is displayed as a dash in normalizers, correlation rules, filters and connectors. In other fields, a tab character is displayed as one or two dots.

      Line break characters are displayed in all input fields that support multi-line input, such as the event search field.

  4. If you need to change the password, click the Change password button and fill in the fields described below in the opened window. When finished, click OK.
    • Current password (required)—enter the current password of your user account. The field is available if you change your account password.
    • New password (required)—enter a new password to the user account. Password requirements:
      • 8 to 128 characters long.
      • At least one lowercase character.
      • At least one uppercase character.
      • At lease one numeral.
      • At least one of the following special characters: !, @, #, %, ^, &, *.
    • Confirm password (required)—enter the password again for confirmation.
  5. If necessary, use the Generate token button to generate an API token. Clicking this button displays the token creation window.
  6. If necessary, configure the operations available to the user via the REST API by using the API access rights button.
  7. Click Save.

The user account will be changed.

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