Kaspersky Unified Monitoring and Analysis Platform

Distributed installation in a fault-tolerant configuration

4 December 2023

ID 244396

KUMA fault-tolerant configuration is provided by injecting KUMA Core into a Kubernetes cluster deployed by the KUMA installer.

The Kubernetes cluster configuration is defined in the inventory file. It must include one controller (dedicated or combined with a worker node), at least one worker node (dedicated or combined with a controller), and 0 or more dedicated worker nodes.

To install a fault-tolerant configuration of KUMA, you must use the kuma-ansible-installer-ha-<build number>.tar.gz installer.

When installing the fault-tolerant application configuration, the KUMA Core is placed into a Kubernetes cluster using the installer and the inventory file. The KUMA Core can be placed in a Kubernetes cluster in the following ways:

  • Install KUMA in a Kubernetes cluster.
  • Migrate the Core of the existing KUMA installation to the Kubernetes cluster.

In this section

About KUMA fault tolerance

Additional application installation requirements

Managing Kubernetes and accessing KUMA

Time zone in a Kubernetes cluster

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