Kaspersky Unified Monitoring and Analysis Platform

Sending files to RuCERT

4 December 2023

ID 243368

If an incident is assigned the More information required status in RuCERT, you can attach a file to it. The file will be available both in RuCERT and in the KUMA web interface.

For a hierarchical deployment of KUMA, files can only be uploaded to RuCERT from the parent KUMA node. At the same time, log entries about the file download are visible in the child nodes of KUMA.

In the incident change log, messages about the files uploaded to RuCERT by KUMA users are added. Messages about adding files by RuCERT are not added to the log.

To attach a file to an incident:

  1. In the Incidents section of the KUMA web interface, open the incident you want to attach a file to. The incident must have the More information required status in RuCERT.
  2. In the RuCERT integration section of the incident window, select the File tab and click the Send file to RuCERT button.

    The file selection window opens.

  3. Select the required file no larger than 50 MB and confirm your selection.

The file is attached to the incident and available for both RuCERT experts and KUMA users.

Data in KUMA and RuCERT is synchronized every 5-10 minutes.

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