Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security

Configuring Software Modules Update task settings

21 October 2022

ID 148461

To configure the Software Modules Update task:

  1. In the Application Console tree, expand the Update node.
  2. Select the Software Modules Update child node.
  3. Click the Properties link in the details pane of the Software Modules Update node.

    The Task settings window opens.

  4. On the General and Connection settings tabs, configure the settings for working with update sources.
  5. On the General tab in the Update settings section, configure the settings for updating application modules:
    • Only check for available critical software modules updates
    • Copy and install critical software modules updates
    • Allow operating system restart
    • Receive information about available scheduled software modules updates
  6. On the Schedule and Advanced tabs, configure the task start schedule. By default, Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security runs the Software Modules Update task on a weekly basis on Fridays at 4:00 PM (according to the regional time settings of the protected device).
  7. On the Run as tab, configure the task to start using a specific user account.
  8. Click OK.

The configured settings will be saved and applied at the next task start.

Kaspersky does not publish planned update packages on the update servers for automatic installation; these can be downloaded manually from the Kaspersky website. You can configure administrator notification about the New critical and scheduled updates are available event; the notification will contain the URL of the web page where scheduled updates can be downloaded.

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