Starting and configuring Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security Database Update task
To update the application database after installation:
- In the Database Update task settings, configure a connection to an update source – Kaspersky HTTP or FTP update servers.
- Start the Database Update task.
Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Protocol (WPAD) may not be configured on your network to detect proxy server settings automatically in the LAN. At that, your network may require authentication when accessing the proxy server.
To specify the optional proxy server settings and authentication settings for accessing the proxy server:
- Open the context menu of the Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security node.
- Select the Properties item.
The Application settings window opens.
- Select the Connection settings tab.
- In the Proxy server settings section, select the Use specified proxy server settings check box.
- Enter the proxy server address in the Address field, and enter the port number for the proxy server in the Port field.
- In the Proxy server authentication settings section, select the necessary authentication method in the drop-down list:
- Use NTLM authentication, if the proxy server supports the built-in Microsoft Windows NTLM authentication. Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security will use the user account specified in the task settings to access the proxy server (by default the task will run under the local system (SYSTEM) user account).
- Use NTLM authentication with user name and password, if the proxy server supports the built-in Microsoft Windows NTLM authentication. Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security will use the specified account to access the proxy server. Enter a user name and password or select a user from the list.
- Apply user name and password, to select basic authentication. Enter a user name and password or select a user from the list.
- Click OK in the Application settings window.
To configure the connection to Kaspersky's update servers, in the Database Update task:
- Start Application Console in one of the following ways:
- Open the Application Console on the protected device. To do this, select Start > All Programs > Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security > Administration Tools > Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security Console.
- If the Application Console has been started on a device other than the protected one, connect to the device:
- Open the context menu of the Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security node in the Application Console tree.
- Select the Connect to another computer item.
- In the Select computer window, select Another computer and in the text field indicate the network name of the protected device.
If the account you used to sign in to Microsoft Windows does not have access permissions for the Kaspersky Security Management Service, indicate an account with the required permissions.
The Application Console window opens.
- In the Application Console tree, expand the Update node.
- Select the Database Update child node.
- Click the Properties link in the details pane.
- In the Task settings window that opens, open the Connection settings tab.
- Select Use proxy server settings to connect to Kaspersky update servers.
- Click OK in the Task settings window.
The settings for connecting to the update source in the Database Update task will be saved.
To run the Database Update task:
- In the Application Console tree, expand the Update node.
- In the context menu on the Database Update child node, select the Start item.
The Database Update task starts.
After the task has successfully completed, you can view the release date of the latest database updates installed in the details pane of the Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security node.