Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security

Installing the Application Console via Kaspersky Security Center

21 October 2022

ID 147726

Detailed information about creating an installation package and a remote installation task is provided in the Kaspersky Security Center Implementation Guide.

To install the Application Console using a remote installation task:

  1. In the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console expand the Advanced node.
  2. Expand the Remote installation child node.
  3. In the details pane of the Installation packages child node, click the Create installation package button. While creating the new installation package:
    1. In the New Package Wizard window, select Create installation package for specified executable file as a package type.
    2. Enter the new installation package name.
    3. Select the \console\setup.exe file from the Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security distribution kit folder and select the Copy entire folder to the installation package check box.
    4. If required, use the ADDLOCAL command-line option to modify the set of components to be installed in the Executable file launch settings (optional) field and change the destination folder.

      For instance, in order to install the Application Console alone in the folder C:\KasperskyConsole without installing the help file and documentation, use the following command-line options:

      /s /p "ADDLOCAL=MmcSnapin INSTALLDIR=C:\KasperskyConsole EULA=1"

  4. In the Installation packages child node, create a task to remotely install the Application Console on the selected protected devices (administration group). Configure the task settings.

    To learn more about creating and configuring remote installation tasks, see the Kaspersky Security Center Help.

  5. Run the remote installation task.

The Application Console is installed on the protected devices specified in the task.

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