Kaspersky Endpoint Security 12 for Linux

Commands for managing encrypted connections scan settings

22 July 2024

ID 264207

-N is a prefix indicating that the command belongs to the group of commands for managing secure connections scan settings.

kesl-control -N --query

The command outputs lists of exclusions from encrypted connections scanning:

  • a list of exclusions added by the user;
  • a list of exclusions added by the application;
  • list of exclusions received from the application databases.

Command syntax

kesl-control -N --query user

kesl-control -N --query auto

kesl-control -N --query kl

kesl-control --clear-web-auto-excluded

This command clears the list of domains that the application has automatically excluded from scanning.

Command syntax

kesl-control -N --clear-web-auto-excluded

kesl-control --get-net-settings

The command outputs the current encrypted connections scan settings to the console or a configuration file.

Command syntax

kesl-control [-N] --get-net-settings [--file <configuration file path>] [--json]

Arguments and keys

--file <configuration file path>: the path to the configuration file to output the encrypted connections scan settings to. If you do not specify the --file option, settings will be output to the console.

If you specify the name of a file without its path, the file will be created in the current directory. If a file already exists in the specified path, it will be overwritten. If the specified directory does not exist, no configuration file will be generated.

--json is specified to output the settings in JSON format. If the --json key is not specified, the settings will be imported in the INI format.

kesl-control --set-net-settings

The command configures the encrypted connections scan settings with command options or by importing settings from a configuration file.

Command syntax

Define settings via command options:

kesl-control [-N] --set-net-settings <option name>=<option value> [<option name>=<option value>]

Define settings via a configuration file:

kesl-control [-N] --set-net-settings --file <configuration file path> [--json]

Arguments and keys

<option name> = <option value >: the name and value of an encrypted connections scan option.

--file <configuration file path>: the full path to the configuration file to import encrypted connections scan settings from.

--json is specified to import the settings from the configuration file into the application in JSON format. If the --json key is not specified, the application attempts to import from an INI file. If the import fails, an error is displayed.

kesl-control --add-certificate

This command adds a certificate to the list of trusted certificates.

Command syntax

kesl-control [-N] -add-certificate <path to certificate>

Arguments and keys

<path to certificate> is the path to the certificate file that you want to add (PEM or DER format).

kesl-control --remove-certificate

This command removes a certificate from the list of trusted certificates.

Command syntax

kesl-control [-N] --remove-certificate <certificate subject>

kesl-control --list-certificates

This command outputs a list of trusted certificates.

Command syntax

kesl-control [-N] --list-certificates

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