Kaspersky Endpoint Security 12 for Linux

Preset configuration files

22 July 2024

ID 197654

After the initial setup, the application creates the following configuration files:

  • /var/opt/kaspersky/kesl/common/agreements.ini

    The agreements.ini configuration file contains settings related to the License Agreement, Privacy Policy, and Kaspersky Security Network Statement.

  • /var/opt/kaspersky/kesl/common/kesl.ini

    The kesl.ini configuration file contains the settings described in the following table.

If necessary, you can edit the values of the settings in these files.

The default values in these files should be changed only under the supervision of Technical Support specialists and in accordance with their instructions.

Settings of the kesl.ini configuration file




The [General] section contains the following settings:


The locale used for the localization of texts sent by Kaspersky Endpoint Security to Kaspersky Security Center (events, notifications, task results, etc.).

The locale of the graphical interface and the application command line depends on the value of the LANG environment variable. If the locale that is not supported by Kaspersky Endpoint Security is specified as the value of the LANG environment variable, the graphical interface and the command line are displayed in English.

The locale in the format specified by RFC 3066.

If the Locale setting is not specified, the operating system locale is used. If the application fails to determine the operating system localization language or the operating system localization is not supported, the default value will be used – en_US.utf8.


Format of the installed application package.

This setting does not affect the operation of the application. The value of the setting is filled in automatically during initial application configuration.

rpm – an RPM package is installed.

deb – a DEB package is installed.



Indicates use of fanotify notifications.

This setting does not affect the operation of the application. The value of the setting is filled in automatically during initial application configuration.

true/yes – The operating system supports fanotify notifications.

false/no – The operating system does not support fanotify notifications.


Kaspersky Endpoint Security usage mode.

This setting does not affect the operation of the application. The value of the setting is filled in automatically during initial application configuration.

true/yes – the application is used in Light Agent mode to protect virtual environments.

false/no – the application is used in Standard mode.


Enables generation of trace files at application startup.

true/yes – Create trace files at application startup.

false/no (default value) – Do not create trace files at application startup.


Display information in trace files that may contain personal data (for example, passwords).

true/yes (default value) — display information in application trace files that may contain personal data.

false/no (default value) — do not display information that may contain personal data in trace files.


Enables asynchronous tracing, in which information is logged to trace files in asynchronously.

true/yes – enable asynchronous tracing.

false/no (default value) – do not enable asynchronous tracing.


Enables the creation of a dump file when application failure occurs.

true/yes – Create a dump file when the application crashes.

false/no (default value) – Do not create a dump file when the application crashes.


Path to the directory where the dump files are stored.

Default value: /var/opt/kaspersky/kesl/common/dumps.

Root privileges are required to access the default dump file directory.


The minimum amount of disk memory that will remain after writing a dump file, in megabytes.

Default value: 300.


Limit on the application's use of memory in megabytes.

Default value: 8192.


The user's unique device ID.

The value of the setting is filled in automatically during installation of the application.


Path to a socket for a remote connection to, say, a graphical interface and the kesl-control utility.

Default value: /var/run/bl4control.


Limit on the number of subscriptions to changes in files and directories (user watches) in /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches.

Default value: 300000.


Limit on the number of subscriptions to changes in files and directories for a single user.

Default value: 2048.


The number of environment variables that the application captures from the command call.

Default value: 50.


Number of arguments that the application captures from the exec call.

Default value: 50.


Disables the disinfection and file deletion functions for application components after its installation.

If the disinfection and file deletion functions are disabled and a threat is detected, the application does not attempt to disinfect or delete the files in which a threat was detected, but only informs the user about a threat detection.

true/yes: disables the disinfection and file deletion functions when the application is started after the installation.

false/no (default value): does not disable the disinfection and file deletion functions when the application is started after the installation.


Indicates use of a public DNS.

If there are errors accessing servers through the system DNS, the application uses a public DNS. This is needed for updating application databases and maintaining device security. The application will use the following public DNSes in this order:

  • Google Public DNS (
  • Cloudflare DNS (
  • Alibaba Cloud DNS (
  • Quad9 DNS (
  • CleanBrowsing (

true/yes – Use a public DNS to access Kaspersky servers.

false/no (default value) – Do not use a public DNS to access Kaspersky servers.

The application's requests may contain domain addresses and the user's external IP address, since the application establishes a TCP/UDP connection with the DNS server. This information is necessary, for example, to check the certificate of a web resource when interacting via HTTPS. If the application is using a public DNS server, data processing rules are governed by the Privacy Policy of the corresponding service. If you need to block the application from using a public DNS server, contact Technical Support for a private patch.

The [Network] section contains the following settings:


A mark in the iptables rules for forwarding traffic to the application for processing by Web Threat Protection component. You may need to change this mark if a device with the application runs other software that uses the ninth bit of the TCP packet mask, and a conflict occurs.

A decimal value or hexadecimal number with the prefix 0x.

Default value: 0x100.


A mark in the iptables rules for forwarding traffic to the application for processing by Network Threat Protection component.

You may need to change this mark if a device with the application runs other software that uses the ninth bit of the TCP packet mask, and a conflict occurs.

A decimal value or hexadecimal number with the prefix 0x.

Default value: 0x200.


A mark used to indicate packets created or scanned by the application, so that the application does not scan them again.

A decimal value or hexadecimal number with the prefix 0x.

Default value: 0x400.


A mark used to indicate packages created or scanned by the application to prevent them from being logged by the iptable utility.

A decimal value or hexadecimal number with the prefix 0x.

Default value: 0x800.


Number of the routing table.

Default value: 101.

The [Virtualization] section contains the following settings:


The role of the protected virtual machine on which Kaspersky Endpoint Security is used in Light Agent mode to protect virtual environments: server or workstation.

This setting does not affect the operation of the application. The value of the setting is filled in automatically during initial application configuration.

true/yes – the protected virtual machine is used as a server.

false/no – the protected virtual machine is used as a workstation.


Enables VDI protection mode when using the application in Light Agent mode to protect virtual environments.

This setting does not affect the operation of the application. The value of the setting is filled in automatically during initial application configuration.

true/yes – VDI protection mode is enabled.

false/no – VDI protection mode is disabled.

The [Watchdog] section contains the following settings:


Maximum time to wait for the kesl process to complete from the moment the Watchdog server sends the HEADSHOT signal to the kesl process.

Default value: 2 minutes.



Maximum time to wait for the application to start (in minutes), after which the kesl process will be restarted.

Default value: 3 minutes.



Maximum time to wait for the controlled kesl process to complete from the moment the Watchdog server sends the SIGKILL signal to the kesl process.

If the kesl process does not finish before this time elapses, the action specified by the --failed-kill setting is performed.

Default value: 2 days.


The interval with which the application attempts to send a PONG message to a server in response to a received PING message.

Default value: 2000 ms.



Maximum number of consecutive unsuccessful attempts to start the application.

Default value: 5.



Maximum time interval during which the application should send a message to the Watchdog server.

If a message is not received from the application within this time interval, the Watchdog server begins the procedure to terminate the kesl process.

Default value: 2 minutes.



Maximum time from the start of the kesl process to the moment when a connection with the Watchdog server is established by the application.

If the application does not establish a connection in this time interval, the Watchdog server begins the procedure to terminate the kesl process.

Default value: 3 minutes.


Maximum time from the moment the application connects to the Watchdog server to the moment the server receives a REGISTER message.

Default value: 500 ms.



Maximum time to wait for the kesl process to complete from the moment the Watchdog server sends the SHUTDOWN signal to the kesl process.

Default value: 2 minutes.



Limit on the use of resident memory by the kesl process.

If the kesl process uses more resident memory than this limit, the Watchdog server begins the procedure to terminate the kesl process.

off – the resident set size is not limited.

<value>% – a value between 1 and 100, expressing a percentage of memory.

<value>MB – a value in megabytes.

lowest/<value>%/<value>MB – the smaller value between the value as a percentage and the value in megabytes.

highest/<value>%/<value>MB – the larger value between the value as a percentage and the value in megabytes.

auto – up to 50% of available memory, but not less than 2GB and not more than 16GB.

Default value: auto.



Limit on the use of virtual memory by the kesl process.

If the kesl process uses more virtual memory than this limit, the Watchdog server begins the procedure to terminate the kesl process.

off (default value) – The virtual memory size is not limited.

<value>MB – a value in megabytes.



Limit on the size of the swap file of the kesl process.

If the swap file of the kesl process exceeds this limit, the Watchdog server begins the procedure to terminate the kesl process.

off (default value) – The size of the swap file is not limited.

<value >% – a value between 0 and 100, expressing a percentage of memory.

<value>MB – a value in megabytes.

lowest/<value>%/<value>MB – the smaller value between the value as a percentage and the value in megabytes.

highest/<value>%/<value>MB – the larger value between the value as a percentage and the value in megabytes.


Enabling application stability monitoring.

If application stability monitoring is enabled, the Watchdog server tracks the number of abnormal halts of the application.

true/yes – enable application stability monitoring.

false/no (default value) – disable application stability monitoring.


The path to the file used for application stability monitoring.

Default value: /var/opt/kaspersky/kesl/private/kesl_health.log.


Time interval (in seconds) in which the application must experience the specified number of abnormal halts before displaying a notification about unstable operation.

Default value: 3600 seconds


Number of abnormal halts of the application that are required before displaying a notification about unstable application operation.

Default value: 10.

If the value is 0, an unstable application notification is not displayed.


Time interval (in seconds) after which the application's unstable status will be cleared.

Default value: 86400 seconds.

By default, the [Environment] section is absent from the configuration file.


Enabling support for the containerd environment when running the Container Monitoring component.

By default, this section is absent from the configuration file. If you want to use the containerd environment when the Container Monitoring component is running, you need to manually add the [Environment] section to the configuration file and inside it, the ExperimentalContainerdSupport setting.

true/yes – enable support for the containerd environment in the operation of the Container Monitoring component.

false/no – do not enable support for the containerd environment in the operation of the Container Monitoring component.

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