Kaspersky Endpoint Security 12 for Linux

Autoinstall.ini configuration file parameters

22 July 2024

ID 197593

In the autoinstall.ini configuration file, you can specify the settings shown in the table below. The set of applicable settings depends on the application usage mode.

Autoinstall.ini configuration file settings





Kaspersky Endpoint Security usage mode.

yes - Kaspersky Endpoint Security is used in Light Agent mode to protect virtual environments (as part of Kaspersky Hybrid Cloud Security for Virtualization Light Agent).

no (default value) – Kaspersky Endpoint Security is used in Standard mode.


The role of the protected virtual machine (server or workstation).

The setting is applied only if the application is used in Light Agent mode.

yes (default value) – the protected virtual machine is used as a server.

no - the protected virtual machine is used as a workstation.


Enabling VDI protection mode to optimize application performance on temporary virtual machines.

The setting is applied only if the application is used in Light Agent mode.

yes – enable VDI protection mode. This is recommended if you are installing Kaspersky Endpoint Security on a virtual machine template that will be used to create temporary virtual machines.

no (default value) – do not enable VDI protection mode.


Required setting.

Acceptance of the terms of the End User License Agreement.

yes (default value) – accept the terms of the End User License Agreement to continue the application installation procedure.

no – do not accept the End User License Agreement. The application installation will be terminated.


Required setting.

Acceptance of the terms of the Privacy Policy.

yes (default value) – accept the terms of the Privacy Policy to continue the application installation procedure.

no: do not accept the Privacy Policy. The application installation will be terminated.


Required setting.

Enabling Kaspersky Security Network usage: To enable the use of KSN, the terms of the Kaspersky Security Network Statement must be accepted.

yes – accept the terms of the Kaspersky Security Network Statement and enable the use of KSN.

no – (default value) do not accept the Kaspersky Security Network Statement.

If Kaspersky Endpoint Security is used in Standard mode and you have enabled the use of KSN, the application's cloud mode is automatically enabled. In this mode, Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses a lightweight version of the malware databases.


Required setting.

Removing users from the kesladmin and keslaudit privileged groups.

yes - Remove users from the privileged groups. If the value is yes and there is no nogroup group, the installation will fail and you will be prompted to manually remove users from privileged groups.

no - Do not remove users from the privileged groups.


Optional setting.

The locale used for the application events sent to Kaspersky Security Center.

The locale in the format specified by RFC 3066.

If the Locale setting is not specified, the operating system locale is used. If the application fails to determine the operating system localization language or the operating system localization is not supported, the default value will be used – en_US.utf8.

The locale of the graphical interface and the application command line depends on the value of the LANG environment variable. If the locale that is not supported by Kaspersky Endpoint Security is specified as the value of the LANG environment variable, the graphical interface and the command line are displayed in English.


Activation code or key file.

This setting applies only if the application is used in Standard mode.



Update source.

This setting applies only if the application is used in Standard mode.

SCServer – use the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server as the update source.

KLServers – use Kaspersky servers as the update source. This value is used by default.

Update source address


Address of the proxy server used to connect to the Internet.

This setting applies only if the application is used in Standard mode.

Proxy server address


Start application database update task during setup.

This setting applies only if the application is used in Standard mode.

yes (default value) – start the update task.

no – do not start update task.


Automatic start of kernel module compilation.

yes (default value) — compile the kernel module.

no – do not compile kernel module.


Use of the graphical user interface.

This setting applies only if the application is used in Standard mode.

yes – Enable use of the graphical user interface.

no (default value) – Disable the use of the graphical user interface.


A user assigned the administrator role (admin).



Automatic configuration of SELinux for working with Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

yes (default value) – automatically configure SELinux to work with Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

no – do not automatically configure SELinux to work with Kaspersky Endpoint Security.


Disabling the functional components of the application after installation.

An installation with components disabled can be convenient, for example, if you need to reproduce a problem with the application and create a trace file.

If you enable the necessary components after installing the application with DISABLE_PROTECTION=yes, the enabled components will continue to work after the application is restarted.

yes - Disable protection components and scan tasks when the application is started after installation.

no - Do not disable protection components and scan tasks when the application is started after installation.


Disables the disinfection and file deletion functions for application components after its installation.

If the disinfection and file deletion functions are disabled and a threat is detected, the application does not attempt to disinfect or delete the files in which a threat was detected, but only informs the user about a threat detected in files.

After installing the application, you can enable the file disinfection and deletion functionality using the DisableFileAvActions parameter in the kesl.ini configuration file.

yes: disables the disinfection and file deletion functions when the application is started after the installation.

no (default value): does not disable the disinfection and file deletion functions when the application is started after the installation.

If you want to change the settings in the autoinstall.ini configuration file, specify the values of settings in the following format: <setting_name>=<setting_value> (the application does not process spaces between the name of a setting and its value).

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