Distributing updates to client devices automatically
17 April 2023
ID 3416
To distribute updates of the selected application to client devices automatically immediately after they are downloaded to the Administration Server repository:
- Connect to the Administration Server, which manages the client devices.
- Create an update deployment task for the selected client devices in one of the following ways:
- If you need to distribute updates to client devices that belong to a selected administration group, create a task for the selected group.
- If you need to distribute updates to client devices that belong to different administration groups or belong to none of the administration groups, create a task for specific devices.
The Add Task Wizard starts. Follow its instructions and perform the following actions:
- In the Task type Wizard window, in the node of the required application select the updates deployment task.
The name of the updates deployment task displayed in the Task type window depends on the application for which you create this task. For detailed information about names of update tasks for the selected Kaspersky applications, see the corresponding Guides.
- In the Schedule Wizard window, in the Scheduled start field, select When new updates are downloaded to the repository.
The newly created update distribution task will start for the selected devices every time any updates are downloaded to the Administration Server repository.
If an update distribution task for the required application has already been created for the selected devices, to automatically distribute updates to client devices, in the task properties window, in the Schedule section, select When new updates are downloaded to the repository as the start option in the Scheduled start field.