Creating the Install required updates and fix vulnerabilities task
17 April 2023
ID 182671
The Install required updates and fix vulnerabilities task is only available under the Vulnerability and Patch Management license.
The Install required updates and fix vulnerabilities task is used to update and fix vulnerabilities in third-party software, including Microsoft software, installed on the managed devices. This task allows you to install multiple updates and fix multiple vulnerabilities according to certain rules.
To install updates or fix vulnerabilities by using the Install required updates and fix vulnerabilities task, you can do one of the following:
- Run the Update Installation Wizard or the Vulnerability Fix Wizard.
- Create an Install required updates and fix vulnerabilities task.
- Add a rule for update installation to an existing Install required updates and fix vulnerabilities task.
To create the Install required updates and fix vulnerabilities task:
- In the main menu, go to DEVICES → TASKS.
- Click Add.
The Add Task Wizard starts. Follow the steps of the Wizard.
- For the Kaspersky Security Center application, select the Install required updates and fix vulnerabilities task type.
If the task is not displayed, check whether your account has the Read, Modify, and Execute rights for the System management: Vulnerability and patch management functional area. You cannot create and configure the Install required updates and fix vulnerabilities task without these access rights.
- Specify the name for the task that you are creating. A task name cannot be more than 100 characters long and cannot include any special characters ("*<>?\:|).
- Select devices to which the task will be assigned.
- Specify the rules for update installation, and then specify the following settings:
- Start installation at device restart or shutdown
- Install required general system components
- Allow installation of new application versions during updates
- Download updates to the device without installing them
- Folder for downloading updates
- Enable advanced diagnostics
- Maximum size, in MB, of advanced diagnostics files
- Specify the operating system restart settings:
- If you want to modify the default task settings, enable the Open task details when creation is complete option on the Finish task creation page. If you do not enable this option, the task is created with the default settings. You can modify the default settings later, at any time.
- Click the Finish button.
The task is created and displayed in the list of tasks.
- Click the name of the created task to open the task properties window.
- In the task properties window, specify the general task settings according to your needs.
- Click the Save button.
The task is created and configured.
If the task results contain a warning of the 0x80240033 "Windows Update Agent error 80240033 ("License terms could not be downloaded.")" error, you can resolve this issue through the Windows Registry.