Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11 for Windows

How to install an autopatch for Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11 for Windows

Latest update: 28 December 2021 ID: 14958

The article concerns:

  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.1.1 for Windows (version
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.1.0 for Windows (version
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.0.1 for Windows (version
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.0.0 for Windows (version

To install an autopatch for Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11 for Windows:

  1. Open Kaspersky Security Center 10.
  2. Go to Tasks and open the properties of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11 for Windows policy.
  3. Click Settings in the left menu.
  4. Select the checkbox Download updates of application modules and select one of the options:
    • Install critical and approved updates. This will allow installing critical updates without approval.
    • Install only approved updates. This will require approval for all updates.
  5. Click OK.

Configuring update settings in Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11 for Windows

  1. Go to Advanced → Application management → Software updates.
  2. In necessary, update application administration plug-ins:
    1. Click the yellow notification about required updates.

    2. Select the plug-in from the list and click Download distribution package.

      Selecting the plug-in for installation

    3. Follow the steps of Installation Wizard to install the plug-in.

  3. In the Administration console, right-click Software updates and select Accept License Agreements for updates.

Accepting license agreements for installing updates in Kaspersky Security Center 10

  1. Select the Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11 for Windows patch and click Approve.

Patch approval in Kaspersky Security Center 10

The patch will be automatically installed on managed devices.  

To complete the installation, you may need to restart the managed devices.

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