Kaspersky Machine Learning for Anomaly Detection

The localization language for Help needs to be changed before connecting to the application

7 December 2022

ID 184369


The Help localization language must be changed prior to connecting to the Kaspersky MLAD web interface.


To change the localization language of the application Help Guide without connecting to the application web interface:

  1. Open the browser installed on your computer.
  2. In the browser address bar, enter the Kaspersky MLAD web address received from the ICS specialist.
  3. On the account credentials entry page that opens, click Help ().
  4. Specify the necessary localization language in the web address:
    • ru – if you want to open Help in Russian (for example, https://<Kaspersky MLAD web address>/help/ru/171583.htm).
    • en – if you want to open Help in English (for example, https://<Kaspersky MLAD web address>/help/en/171583.htm).

After connecting to the application, you can change the language of the interface and Help in the user menu.

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