Application installation and initial configuration

19 December 2024

ID 181872

To install and configure the application:

  1. Start the virtual machine.

    The virtual machine is loaded from an ISO disk image. The Application Setup Wizard starts.

  2. In the welcome window of the Setup Wizard, click OK.
  3. Select the language in which you want to view the End User License Agreement, Privacy Policy, and notifications regarding the default application settings.
  4. Please express your acceptance or rejection of the End User License Agreement. To do so:
    • If you want to accept the terms of the End User License Agreement, click the I accept button.
    • If you want to decline the terms of the End User License Agreement, click the I decline button.

    If you rejected the terms of the End User License Agreement, the application will not be installed.

  5. Please express your acceptance or rejection of the Privacy Policy. To do so:
    • If you want to accept the terms of the Privacy Policy, click the I accept button.
    • If you want to decline the terms of the Privacy Policy, click the I decline button.

    If you rejected the terms of the Privacy Policy, the application will not be installed.

  6. Review the values of the default protection settings and the recommendations on IT infrastructure protection. Click OK.

    You can modify these settings in the web interface after the application is installed.

  7. Select the drive on which the application will be installed, and click Yes in the confirmation window.

    Please wait while the ISO image data is being copied to the virtual drive. After the copying is complete, the virtual machine will be restarted. The Application Setup Wizard starts.

  8. In the Setup Wizard window, select Boot from local drive.
  9. Select Kaspersky Web Traffic Security to continue the standard installation.
  10. Enter the fully qualified domain name of the virtual machine on which the application is being deployed, and click OK.
  11. Select the network interface and click Yes in the confirmation window.
  12. In the Interfaces window, click Continue.

    The Routing window opens.

  13. Configure the network routing. To do so:
    1. In the Interface field, select the network interface of the default route.

      The dhcp value will be set in the Gateway field. The gateway IP address will be assigned by the DHCP server.

    2. If you want to define a static IP address for the gateway:
      1. In the Gateway field, press ENTER.

        A confirmation window opens.

      2. To configure a static configuration, click Yes.

        The Interface gateway configuration window opens.

      3. In the Gateway field, enter a static IP address for the gateway and click OK.

        You are returned to the Routing window.

    3. Click Continue.

    The Resolver window opens.

  14. If you want to manually configure the DNS service settings:
    1. In the Use DHCP field, select no.
    2. In the Search list field, press ENTER.

      The Interface DNS configuration window opens.

    3. In the Search list field, enter a domain search list.
    4. In the Primary field, enter the address of the primary DNS server.
    5. In the Secondary field, enter the address of the secondary DNS server.
    6. Click OK.
    7. In the Resolver window, click Continue.
  15. If you want to receive the addresses of DNS servers and a search list of DNS suffixes over the DHCP protocol:
    1. In the Use DHCP field, press ENTER.

      The Obtain DNS addresses over DHCP window opens.

    2. Select the network interface of the DHCP service.

      The dhcp value will be set in the Search list, Primary DNS and Secondary DNS fields.

    3. In the Resolver window, click Continue.
  16. Set the local administrator password.

    The password must contain:

    • At least 15 characters
    • Only ASCII characters (A-Z, a-z), numerals, and special characters
    • The following types of characters:
      • Uppercase character (A-Z).
      • Lowercase character (a-z).
      • Number.
      • Special character

    You can change the local administrator password in the web interface after the application is installed.

  17. You will see the IP address of the network interface used to receive an inbound connection for interaction with other nodes of the cluster. Press ENTER. In the confirmation window, click Yes.

    The IP address of the virtual machine is used by default.

  18. Specify the port used for interaction with other nodes of the cluster and click OK. In the confirmation window, click Yes.

    It is recommended to use the default value of 9045.

  19. Use any convenient method to save the server certificate fingerprint that is displayed in the final window of the Configuration Wizard.

    When adding a server to the cluster through the application web interface, you will need to compare this fingerprint with the fingerprint displayed in the web interface.

Installation and initial configuration of the application will be completed. You will then be able to connect to the application web interface through a browser to configure its settings. If you are connecting to the web interface for the first time after installing the application, you will need to create a new cluster before you start.

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