How to get Kaspersky Small Office Security trace files
Kaspersky Technical Support specialists might request reports on the activity of the application components. These are called trace files.
We do not recommended following the instructions in this article without first consulting with a Technical Support specialist. If enabled accidentally, trace collection may cause disk space shortage.
How to get trace files
- Click in the lower-left corner of the Kaspersky Small Office Security main window.
- Click Support Tools.
- If the technical support specialist hasn't specified otherwise, switch the Enable application traces toggle to the ‘on’ position and click Save.
- Restart the computer.
- Reproduce the issue.
- Switch the Enable application traces toggle to the ‘off’ position and click Save.
How to locate the trace files
The application saves trace files with unique names, in the .log or .etl format: [Shortened application name].[Application version]_[Random characters].[Tracing type]_[Date of creation]T[Time of creation].[File format]
Example: KAV.
To locate the trace files:
- Enable the ‘Show hidden files and folders’ function using the instructions.
- Press +E combination on the keyboard.
In the address bar of the Windows Explorer, type the following: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Kaspersky Lab\AVP<Application version>\Traces. You can find the version number in these instructions.
Example: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Kaspersky Lab\AVP21.15\Traces
- Press Enter.
Windows Explorer will display the Kaspersky Lab folder that contains created trace files.
Trace files are stored on your computer for seven days after disabling the tracing. After, they are permanently removed.