How to uninstall Kaspersky Security Cloud for Mac
Latest update: 12 September 2023
ID: 15552
You can uninstall Kaspersky Security Cloud from your Mac in the following ways:
- Through the application menu. For instructions, see Online Help.
- Through the uninstallation wizard. For instructions, see below.
Extensions for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox are not removed automatically with the application. For the guides on removing the extensions, see Chrome Help and Mozilla Firefox Help.
How to uninstall Kaspersky Security Cloud for Mac through the uninstallation wizard
- Download the archive and extract the files from it.
- Run the file saasmac21.1.0.150uninstaller.dmg.
If you get a warning dialog when trying to run the file, follow the instructions on the Apple support site.
- Double-click Uninstall Kaspersky Security Cloud.
- Click Delete.
- Enter the login and password for your user account and click OK.
- Wait until the uninstallation is complete and click Quit.
The application has been removed from your Mac.