Kaspersky Password Manager for Mac

About the activation code

26 March 2024

ID 86106

An activation code is a unique sequence of 20 letters and digits. You enter an activation code on My Kaspersky to activate Kaspersky Password Manager with a subscription.

Your activation code is linked to your My Kaspersky account. If your My Kaspersky account already has an activation code that is valid for Kaspersky Password Manager, the application recognizes this activation code when you connect to My Kaspersky with this account.

The following applications can share an activation code with Kaspersky Password Manager:

  • Kaspersky Total Security (except for trial subscription)
  • Kaspersky Small Office Security (except for trial subscription)
  • Kaspersky Security Cloud
  • Kaspersky (if you have Kaspersky Plus or Kaspersky Premium subscription)

If you connect Kaspersky Password Manager to a My Kaspersky account with a subscription for one of these applications, you can use Kaspersky Password Manager without limitations. Even if these applications aren't connected to a My Kaspersky account, Kaspersky Password Manager can accept their activation codes and transfer them to My Kaspersky.

Your activation code can be recovered if you lose it after installing the application. To recover an activation code, contact Customer Service.

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