KasperskyOS Community Edition


21 May 2024

ID makekss

The makekss script creates the Kaspersky Security Module.

The script calls the nk-psl-gen-c compiler to generate the source code of the security module, then compiles the resulting code by calling the C compiler that is provided in KasperskyOS Community Edition.

The script creates the security module from the solution security policy description.

Syntax for using the makekss script:

makekss --target=ARCH --module=PATH --with-nk="PATH" --with-nktype="TYPE" --with-nkflags="FLAGS" [--output="PATH"][--help][--with-cc="PATH"][--with-cflags="FLAGS"] FILE


  • FILE

    Path to the top-level file of the solution security policy description.

  • --target=ARCH

    Processor architecture for which the build is intended.

  • --module=-lPATH

    Path to the ksm_kss library. This key is passed to the C compiler for linking to this library.

  • --with-nk=PATH

    Path to the nk-psl-gen-c compiler that will be used to generate the source code of the security module. By default, the compiler is located in /opt/KasperskyOS-Community-Edition-<version>/toolchain/bin/nk-psl-gen-c.

  • --with-nktype="TYPE"

    Indicates the type of NK compiler that will be used. To use the nk-psl-gen-c compiler, indicate the psl type.

  • --with-nkflags="FLAGS"

    Parameters used when calling the nk-psl-gen-c compiler.

    The nk-psl-gen-c compiler will require access to all EDL, CDL and IDL descriptions. To enable the nk-psl-gen-c compiler to find these descriptions, you need to pass the paths to these descriptions in the --with-nkflags parameter by using the -I switch of the nk-psl-gen-c compiler.

  • --output=PATH

    Path to the created security module file.

  • --with-cc=PATH

    Path to the C compiler that will be used to build the security module. The compiler provided in KasperskyOS Community Edition is used by default.

  • --with-cflags=FLAGS

    Parameters used when calling the C compiler.

  • -h, --help

    Displays the Help text.

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