Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11 for Windows

Appendix 11. IOC file requirements

20 July 2023

ID 220828

When creating IOC Scan tasks, consider the following IOC file requirements and limitations:

  • Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum supports IOC files with the IOC and XML extensions in the open standard OpenIOC versions 1.0 and 1.1 for describing indicators of compromise.
  • If during IOC Scan task creation you upload IOC files, some of which are not supported, when the task is run, the application uses only the supported IOC files.
  • If during IOC Scan task creation you upload only unsupported IOC files, the task can still be run, but no indicators of compromise will be detected.
  • Semantic errors and unsupported IOC terms and tags in IOC files do not cause task execution to fail. In such sections of IOC files, the application detects no match.
  • The identifiers of all IOC files used in a single IOC Scan task must be unique. If there are IOC files with the same identifier, it might affect the task execution results.
  • A single IOC file must not exceed 3 MB in size. Using larger files will cause IOC Scan tasks to terminate with an error. That said, the total size of all files added to the IOC collection may exceed 3 MB.
  • It is recommended to create one IOC file per threat. This makes it easier to analyze the results of the IOC Scan task.

The file that you can download by clicking the link below, contains a table with the full list of IOC terms of the OpenIOC standard that are supported by the Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response solution.


Features and limitations of the application’s support for the OpenIOC standard are shown in the following table.

Features and limitations of support for OpenIOC version 1.0 and 1.1.

Supported conditions

OpenIOC 1.0:


isnot (as an exception from the set)


containsnot (as an exception from the set)

OpenIOC 1.1:








Supported condition attributes

OpenIOC 1.1:



Supported operators



Supported data types

"date": date (applicable conditions: is, greater-than, less-than)

"int": integer (applicable conditions: is, greater-than, less-than)

"string": string (applicable conditions: is, contains, matches, starts-with, ends-with)

"duration": duration in seconds (applicable conditions: is, greater-than, less-than)

Features of data type interpretation

The "boolean string", "restricted string", "md5", "IP", "sha256" and "base64Binary" data types are interpreted as string.

The application supports interpretation of the Content setting for the int and date data types when it is set in the form of intervals:

OpenIOC 1.0:

Using the TO operator in the Content field:

<Content type="int">49600 TO 50700</Content>

<Content type="date">2009-04-28T10:00:00Z TO 2009-04-28T16:00:00Z</Content>

<Content type="int">[154192 TO 154192]</Content>

OpenIOC 1.1:

Using the greater-than and less-than conditions

Using the TO operator in the Content field

The application supports interpretation of the date and duration data types if the indicators are set in ISO 8601, Zulu Time Zone, UTC format.

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