Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11 for Mac

Connect a remote computer to Administration Server manually. Klmover utility

14 June 2022

ID 127686

Connect a remote computer to Administration Server

After Network Agent has been installed, the klmover utility is located in the /Library/Application Support/Kaspersky Lab/klnagent/Binaries folder.

Depending on the parameters that you specify, the klmover utility performs the following operations when run from the command line:

  • Connects Network Agent to Administration Server with the specified parameters.
  • Saves utility execution results in a file or displays them on the screen.

Before running the utility, go to /Library/Application Support/Kaspersky Lab/klnagent/Binaries in the command line.

Command line syntax:

sudo ./klmover [-logfile <file name>] [-address <server address>] [-pn <port number>] [-ps <SSL port number>] [-nossl] [-cert <path to certificate file>] [-silent] [-dupfix]

Important: The administrator rights are required to run the utility.

Parameter descriptions

-logfile <file name> – Save execution results in a file. If this parameter is not specified, execution results and error messages are displayed on the screen.

-address <server address> – Address that Network Agent uses to connect to Administration Server. You can specify either the IP address or the DNS name of the server.

Note: You can also use the command with this parameter to change the address of the Administration Server to which remote computers are connected.

-pn <port number> – Number of the port that will be used to establish an unencrypted connection to Administration Server. Port 14000 is used by default.

-ps <SSL port number> – Number of the port that will be used to establish an encrypted connection to Administration Server via the SSL protocol. Port 13000 is used by default.

-nossl – Use an unencrypted connection to Administration Server. If this parameter is not specified, Network Agent will establish a secure connection to Administration Server via the encrypted SSL protocol.

-cert <path to certificate file> – Use the specified certificate file for authentication on a new Administration Server. If this parameter is not specified, Network Agent will receive a certificate at the first connection to Administration Server.

-silent – Run the utility in silent mode.

-dupfix – This parameter is used if Network Agent was installed in a way that differs from the methods described in the Administrator's Guide, for example, if it was recovered from a disk image with Network Agent installed. If automatic self-identification of Network Agent results in duplicate icons of the original computer and other computers in the Administration Console, try reconnecting the duplicate computers.

Note: When running the klmover utility, it is recommended to specify values for all parameters.


sudo ./klmover -logfile klmover.log -address -ps 13001

The remote computer that is connected to Administration Server via Network Agent is called a client computer.

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