Kaspersky Endpoint Agent

Installing and updating Kaspersky Endpoint Agent Management web plug-in

29 May 2023

ID 208177

The Kaspersky Endpoint Agent Management web plug-in must be installed to manage Kaspersky Endpoint Agent using the Kaspersky Security Center Web Console.

You can install the web plug-in in one of the following ways:

  • Using the Initial Setup Wizard of the Kaspersky Security Center Web Console.
  • From the list of available distribution packages in the Kaspersky Security Center Web Console.

    For detailed information on installing management web plug-ins, refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help.

  • By downloading the distribution package to the Kaspersky Security Center Web Console from a third-party source.

    To install the web plug-in, add a ZIP archive with the distribution package of the Kaspersky Endpoint Agent web plug-in to the Web Console interface (Console settings → Web plug-ins). You can download the web plug-in distribution kit, for example, from Kaspersky's website.

Updating a previously installed version of the Kaspersky Endpoint Agent Management web plug-in

When installing a plug-in on a device with a previous plug-in version:

  • All the setting values, policies, and group and local tasks are migrated to the new plug-in version, and the previously installed plug-in version is automatically removed.
  • The Kaspersky Endpoint Agent settings that were not available in the previous plug-in version are set to default values and can be configured.

    To apply previously unavailable settings, after updating the plug-in, change the desired policy or task and save your changes.

  • Policy templates created in the previous plug-in version are available in the new plug-in version.

    When creating a new policy based on the old one, the checkbox for agreeing to the terms of the KSN Statement is cleared. In an existing policy, the state of the checkbox for agreeing to the KSN Statement remains the same.

You can use the new plug-in to manage previous Kaspersky Endpoint Agent versions. However, previous versions of Kaspersky Endpoint Agent do not support and do not apply the settings that have appeared in the new plug-in version.

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