Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack (KATA) Platform

Backing up and restoring the data of the Central Node server deployed as a cluster

26 June 2024

ID 271113

This scenario describes the procedure for backing up and restoring data on a Central Node server deployed as a cluster.

This procedure must be carried out on a server with the 'manager' role in the Docker swarm. To view the role, use the $ docker node ls command. In the MANAGER STATUS field, a server with the manager role has Leader or Reachable.

Backing up and restoring data on the Central Node server deployed as a cluster involves the following steps:

  1. Creating a backup copy

    You can create a backup copy using the administrator menu or in Technical Support Mode:

    How to create a backup copy in the administrator menu

    How to create a backup copy in Technical Support Mode

  2. Saving the backup copy to the hard drive

    To save the backup copy on the hard drive of your computer, run the following command:

    scp <name of the account used for working in the administrator menu and in the server management console>@<IP address of the server>:<name of the backup file of the form: data_kata_<date and time of backup copy creation>.tar>


    Command for downloading to the hard drive of your computer a backup copy created on a Central Node server with the IP address under the 'admin' account on April 10, 2020 at 10 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds:

    scp admin@

    The backup copy is saved to the current directory on the hard drive of your computer.

  3. Reinstalling the application

    Remove and reinstall Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform.

  4. Uploading a backup copy to the server

    Upload your backup copy to the Central Node server by running the following command:

    scp <name of the backup file of the form: data_kata_<date and time of backup copy creation>.tar> <name of the account used for working in the administrator menu and in the server management console>@<IP address of the server>:


    Command for uploading a backup copy created on April 10, 2020 at 10 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds to the Central Node server with the IP address under the 'admin' account:

    scp data_kata_2020_04_10T10_00_00.tar admin@

    The backup copy is uploaded to the current directory on the Central Node server.

  5. Restoring data from a backup copy

    You can restore data from a backup copy on the Central Node server using the administrator menu or in Technical Support Mode:

    How to restore data in the administrator menu

    How to recover data in Technical Support Mode

The backup copy of server settings does not contain PCAP files of recorded mirrored network traffic. You can save and restore PCAP files on your own by copying them from the /data/volumes/dumps directory of the connected external storage. After restoring data, you must connect your external storage.

If the hardware configuration of the Central Node server on which the backup copy was created differs from the hardware configuration of the server on which you are planning to restore the server settings, you need to reconfigure the application scaling settings after restoring.

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