About the Security News feature
24 November 2023
ID 142309
The Security News feature advises you how to improve protection of your device and your digital environment. The feature shows you tips on how to fix weak settings of the operating system and informs you of the latest Kaspersky security news.
About weak settings
When you are using your device, operating system settings can be changed as a result of your actions or the actions of apps that you run. The changed weak settings can pose a risk to the security of your device. For example, if the device is jailbroken, the security of the device may be compromised.
Notifications about weak settings of the operating system can be divided into two types:
- Warning notifications. The settings affect operating system security and are equivalent to vulnerabilities.
- Recommendation notifications. You are advised to fix the settings to improve the security of the operating system.
Security News searches for weak settings of the operating system at least once a day. If it detects weak settings in the operating system, it prompts you to fix them in order to restore the security of the operating system.
Information about detected weak settings is displayed on the main screen and in a Security News section you can see more details about your protection. You can perform the following actions:
- View detailed information about detected weak settings.
- Learn how to fix weak settings.
- Hide weak settings if you don't want to fix them.
About security news
Every day, the world is seeing more and more mass theft of passwords, hacking of databases, and online banking fraud. Kaspersky security news provides fresh information about such crimes and helps you prevent situations in which you could become a victim of hackers.
Security news is displayed together with other news from Kaspersky. Security news also appears as push-notifications. If a notification about a security news appears, you can proceed to the full text of the news by tapping the notification.