Kaspersky IoT Secure Gateway 1000

Installing Kaspersky IoT Secure Gateway 1000

12 April 2024

ID 188051

To get started with Kaspersky IoT Secure Gateway 1000, install it on the Kraftway Rubezh-N device.

Installation of Kaspersky IoT Secure Gateway 1000 is performed by Kaspersky experts. The instructions described in this section are provided for information purposes.

To install Kaspersky IoT Secure Gateway 1000:

  1. Prepare a computer with Ubuntu version 20.04 or later for creating bootable USB drive with the Kaspersky IoT Secure Gateway 1000 image. All further actions must be performed on this computer.
  2. Install the wget and sha512sum utilities by running the following command as root:

    sudo apt-get install wget coreutils

  3. Add the docker repository PGP key to the system by running the following commands as root:

    sudo apt-get update

    sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl gnupg

    sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings

    curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg

    sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg

  4. Add the docker repository address to the system by running the following commands:

    echo \

    "deb [arch="$(dpkg --print-architecture)" signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu \

    "$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_CODENAME")" stable" | \

    sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null

  5. Update package data and install docker by running the following commands as root:

    sudo apt-get update

    sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin

  6. Prepare docker to run with user permissions by executing the following commands as root:

    sudo groupadd docker

    sudo usermod -aG docker <system user name>

    newgrp docker

  7. Verify that docker starts without errors by running the test image:

    docker run hello-world

  8. Connect a USB drive containing the flasher utility with a boot image script to your computer and copy it to a separate directory.
  9. Go to the directory that contains the flasher utility.
  10. Copy the Kaspersky IoT Secure Gateway 1000 firmware image to the resources directory. The image must have a name in the format kisg-<network device type>-<system version number>_ru_en.tar.gz, where <network device type> can be diode for unidirectional gateway or router for a network router, and <system version number> consists of four decimal numbers separated by dots, such as

    You can place one installation image in the directory if you intend to use one type of network device only, or both installation images (for unidirectional gateway and network router) to be able to choose between the types of network device when installing Kaspersky IoT Secure Gateway 1000.

  11. Edit the flasher.conf configuration file, so that it contains only the following lines:

    set -eu



  12. Verify that the wget utility can download a Debian OS image by running the following command:

    wget https://www.debian.org/CD/

    If the wget utility fails to get the Debian OS image, place the Debian 11.4.0 image and SHA512 checksums into the resources directory

    . If there is no Internet connection on the computer with the flasher utility, obtain a Debian docker image by running docker pull debian: bullseye and copy the resulting image to the flasher utility directory.

  13. Build the boot image of Kaspersky IoT Secure Gateway 1000 by running the build script using the following command:


  14. Make sure that the boot image of Kaspersky IoT Secure Gateway 1000 is built successfully by running the following command:

    file KISGFlasher.iso

  15. Connect a new USB drive to the computer with the flasher utility.
  16. Write the Kaspersky IoT Secure Gateway 1000 boot image to the USB drive by running the following command with root privileges:

    dd bs=4M if=$(pwd)/KISGFlasher.iso of=/dev/sdx status=progress oflag=sync

    where /dev/sdx is the name of the USB drive to which you need to write the image.

  17. Wait for the writing process to complete successfully and remove the USB drive.
  18. Connect the USB drive to the Kraftway Rubezh-N device.
  19. Connect the Kraftway Rubezh-N device through a COM port to a local computer using a cable with an RJ45-DB9 connector and start a COM port terminal application on the local computer.

    All further actions must be performed in the terminal of the computer connected to the Kraftway Rubezh-N device.

  20. Click the on/off button in the left part of the Kraftway Rubezh-N front panel.
  21. While the device is starting, press DELETE on the console keyboard.

    The main BIOS menu of the Kraftway Rubezh-N device opens in the console.

  22. Configure the settings for loading Kaspersky IoT Secure Gateway 1000 from a bootable USB drive:
    1. Select the Save & Exit tab.
    2. In the Boot Override section, use the and keys to select UEFI: <name of bootable USB drive>.
    3. Press ENTER to start booting from the USB drive.
  23. Wait for the image to load from the USB drive.
  24. In the debian login form that appears in the console, enter the default Debian Live CD user name and password to log in to LiveUSB.
  25. If you have compiled a boot image for two network device types, select from the menu the Kaspersky IoT Secure Gateway 1000 image to install on the device (unidirectional gateway and network router) and press ENTER.

    If you have compiled a boot image for one network device type only, installation starts automatically.

  26. Wait for the installation process to complete. After installation, the Kraftway Rubezh-N device shuts down.
  27. Remove the USB drive from the Kraftway Rubezh-N device.
  28. Click the on/off button in the left part of the Kraftway Rubezh-N front panel.
  29. While the device is starting, press DELETE on the console keyboard.

    The main BIOS menu of the Kraftway Rubezh-N device opens in the console.

  30. Configure the boot order for Kaspersky IoT Secure Gateway 1000:
    1. Select the Boot tab.
    2. For Boot Option # 1, select UEFI OS.
  31. Exit BIOS while saving the changes:
    1. Select the Save & Exit tab.
    2. On the Save & Exit tab, select Save Changes & Exit.
  32. Wait for the download to complete and visually check that Kaspersky IoT Secure Gateway 1000 starts correctly.

After Kaspersky IoT Secure Gateway 1000 starts for the first time, it is recommended to configure the network, create and upload an administrator certificate, configure the date and time, and replace the web server certificate with the one that is used in your organization.

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