How to defend against Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Xorist ransomware

Latest update: 21 September 2023 ID: 2911

Do you want to prevent infections? Be safe and private with new Kaspersky applications.

XoristDecryptor is a free Kaspersky utility designed to restore the files encrypted with the Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Xorist and Trojan-Ransom.MSIL.Vandev ransomware families. To download the XoristDecryptor tool, click Download.


Malware of the family Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Xorist gains unauthorized access to the victim computer and modifies data on it. This makes the files or the whole system inaccessible. After blocking the files, malware demands ransom. The victim is supposed to deliver the ransom to criminals and receive a tool which decrypts the data or restores normal functioning of the computer.


Signs of infection


How to disinfect the system


Additional command line switches


What to do if the utility did not help


Useful references

Recovery tools

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