Kaspersky Security for Windows Server Console window
The Kaspersky Security for Windows Server Console is displayed in the Microsoft Management Console tree in the form of a node with the name Kaspersky Security.
After a connection has been established to Kaspersky Security for Windows Server installed on a different protected device, the name of the node is supplemented with the name of the protected device on which the application is installed and the name of the user account used to establish the connection: Kaspersky Security <Protected device name> as <account name>. When connecting to Kaspersky Security for Windows Server installed on the same protected device with the Application Console, the node name is Kaspersky Security.
Console tree
The Application Console tree displays the Kaspersky Security node and the child nodes of functional components of the application.
The Kaspersky Security node includes the following child nodes:
- Real-Time Server Protection: manage real-time protection tasks and KSN services. This node allows you to configure the following tasks:
- Real-Time File Protection
- KSN Usage
- Traffic Security
- Exploit Prevention
- Anti-Cryptor
- Script Monitoring
- Server Control: control launch of applications installed on a protected device, as well as external device connections. This node allows you to configure the following tasks:
- Applications Launch Control
- Device Control
- Firewall Management
- Automated rule generators: configure automatic generation of group and system rules for the Applications Launch Control task and the Device Control task. This node allows you to configure the following tasks:
- Rule Generator for Applications Launch Control
- Rule Generator for Device Control
- Rule generation group tasks <Task names> (if any)
Use Kaspersky Security Center to create group tasks. You cannot manage group tasks through the Application Console.
- System Inspection: configure file operation control and Windows Event Log inspection settings.
- File Integrity Monitor
- Log Inspection
- Network Attached Storage Protection: configure network storage protection tasks.
- RPC Network Storage Protection
- ICAP Network Storage Protection
- Anti-Cryptor for NetApp
- On-Demand Scan: manage On-Demand Scan tasks. There is a separate node for each task:
- Scan at Operating System Startup
- Critical Areas Scan
- Quarantine Scan
- Application Integrity Control
- Baseline File Integrity Monitor
- Custom tasks <Task names> (if any)
The node displays system tasks created when the application is installed. The node also displays custom tasks and group on-demand scan tasks created and sent to a protected device using Kaspersky Security Center.
- Update: manage updates for Kaspersky Security for Windows Server databases and modules and copies the update to a local update source folder. The node contains child nodes for administering each update task and the last Rollback of Application Database Update task:
- Database Update
- Software Modules Update
- Copying Updates
- Rollback of Application Database Update
The Update node displays all custom and group update tasks created and sent to a protected device using Kaspersky Security Center.
- Storages: Management of Quarantine, Backup and Blocked Hosts settings.
- Quarantine
- Backup
- Blocked Hosts
- Logs and notifications: manage local task logs, security log and Kaspersky Security for Windows Server system audit log.
- Security log
- System audit log
- Task logs
- Licensing: add or delete Kaspersky Security for Windows Server license keys, view license details.
Details pane
The results pane displays information about the selected node. If the Kaspersky Security node is selected, the results pane displays information about the current device protection status, information about Kaspersky Security for Windows Server, the protection status of its functional components, and the license expiration date.
Context menu of the Kaspersky Security node
You can use the items of the context menu of the Kaspersky Security node to perform the following operations:
- Connect to another computer. Connect to another device to manage Kaspersky Security for Windows Server installed on it. You can also do this by clicking the link in the lower right corner of the results pane of the Kaspersky Security node.
- Start the service / Stop the service. Start or stop the application or a selected task. To do this, you can also use the buttons on the toolbar, or the context menus of application tasks.
- Configure removable drives scan settings. Configure scanning of removable drives connected to the protected device via the USB port.
- Configure Trusted Zone settings. View and configure Trusted Zone settings.
- Modify user rights of application management. View and configure permissions to access Kaspersky Security for Windows Server functions.
- Modify user rights of Kaspersky Security Service management. View and configure user rights to manage the Kaspersky Security Service.
- Hierarchical storage. Configure the access method for the HSM system.
- Export settings. Save the application settings in an XML configuration file. You can also do this via the context menus of application tasks.
- Import settings. Import application settings from an XML configuration file. You can also do this via the context menus of application tasks.
- Information about the application and available module updates. See information about Kaspersky Security for Windows Server and currently available application modules updates.
- Refresh. Refresh the contents of the Application Console window. You can also do this via the context menus of application tasks.
- Properties. View and configure the settings of Kaspersky Security for Windows Server or a selected task. You can also do this via the context menus of application tasks.
To view and configure the settings of Kaspersky Security for Windows Server or a selected task, you can also use the Application properties link in the results pane of the Kaspersky Security node or use the button on the toolbar.
- Help. View information in Kaspersky Security for Windows Server Help. You can also do this via the context menus of application tasks.
Toolbar and context menu of Kaspersky Security for Windows Server tasks
You can manage Kaspersky Security for Windows Server tasks using the context menus of each task in the Application Console tree.
You can use the context menu to perform the following operations:
- Start / Stop. Start or stop task execution. To do this, you can also use the buttons on the toolbar.
- Resume / Pause. Resume or pause the task. To do this, you can also use the buttons on the toolbar. This can be done for Real-Time Server Protection tasks and On-Demand Scan tasks.
- Add task. Create a new custom task. This can be done for On-Demand Scan tasks.
- Open log. View and manage a task log. This can be done for all tasks.
- Remove task. Delete a custom task. This can be done for On-Demand Scan tasks.
- Settings templates. Manage templates. This can be done for Real-Time File Protection and On-Demand Scan.