Creating the task for downloading updates to the repository of the Administration Server
The Download updates to the repository of the Administration Server task of the Administration Server is created automatically by the Kaspersky Security Center quick start wizard. You can create only one Download updates to the repository of the Administration Server task. Therefore, you can create a Download updates to the repository of the Administration Server task only if this task was removed from the Administration Server tasks list.
To create a Download updates to the repository of the Administration Server task:
- In the console tree, select the Tasks folder.
- Start creation of the task in one of the following ways:
- In the context menu of the Tasks folder in the console tree, select New → Task.
- In the workspace of the Tasks folder, click the Create a task button.
The New task wizard starts. Follow the steps of the wizard.
- On the Select the task type page of the wizard, select Download updates to the Administration Server repository.
- On the Settings page of the wizard, specify the task settings as follows:
- On the Configure task schedule page of the wizard, you can create a schedule for task start. If necessary, specify the following settings:
- On the Define the task name page of the wizard, specify the name for the task that you are creating. A task name cannot be more than 100 characters long and cannot include any special characters ("*<>?\:|).
- On the Finish task creation page of the wizard, click the Finish button to close the wizard.
If you want the task to start as soon as the wizard finishes, select the Run the task after the wizard finishes check box.
After the wizard finishes, Download updates to the Administration Server repository appears in the list of Administration Server tasks in the workspace.
In addition to the settings that you specify during task creation, you can change other properties of a created task.
When Administration Server performs the Download updates to the repository of the Administration Server task, updates to databases and software modules are downloaded from the updates source and stored in the shared folder of Administration Server. If you create this task for an administration group, it will only be applied to Network Agents included in the specified administration group.
Updates are distributed to client devices and secondary Administration Servers from the shared folder of Administration Server.